view projects
Here's a bunch of my personal and professional projects.
Absurd Quiz App
Generates a funny quiz using the OpenAI API.
- openai api
- tailwind
- nodejs
- daisy ui
An Aalborg Night
A neon styled Shopify theme.
- shopify themes
- tailwind
- daisy ui
- alpinejs
- animejs
Baka Town
A modern-looking Shopify theme.
- shopify themes
- alpinejs
- animejs
- bootstrap
Cat Apple
A simplistic Shopify theme.
- shopify themes
- tailwind
- daisy ui
- animejs
- alpinejs
Cramlington Community Chess Club
A site for a community chess club.
- nextjs
- tailwind
- daisy ui
- directus cms
- sqlite
Lass Orchid
A flowery and soft-styled Shopify theme.
- shopify themes
- alpinejs
- tailwind
- daisyui